Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Coming Back | De regreso!

A few months ago, I decided to quit Target. An organization that gave me tons of learning. Below my farewell message to coworkers, teammates, friends and colleagues. I am sure my relationship with Target will last overtime J  

Dear All-

After almost four years, I would like to share with you that next Friday April 17th will be my last day working for this amazing company.  I have been thinking deeply how to say goodbye to all of you; not an easy task but here I go. 

When I started working on “the Land of Opportunities” I thought that (1) being an immigrant, (2) having a second language learner accent, and (3) keeping my culture intact while adapting to a new one, were going to be the three biggest limitations to succeed professionally. It would have been much easier if I would have stayed in my country of origin; probably, but I didn’t. I love the fact that I am now bilingual, bicultural and biliterate despite all the efforts.  Certainly, I was wrong about these three things. They delayed the possibility to pursuit my dreams earlier but never stopped me to fight for them. I came alone to this country to fulfill my desire to grow; I really wanted to make my parents proud. Even though my journey hasn’t finished yet; I could say, I have accomplished so many dreams: having my own family, feeling success, and working at Target are some of those. I am proud I picked Target!

Target has taught me so many things! Good and bad ones, yes! Why not to say it? That’s why we are transforming, don’t we? I feel a strong LOVE for this organization.
I have learned that being humble: opens millions of doors;  being persistent and passionate: my personal brand; giving my best possible: a stamp to change perceptions; standing up stronger every time I fall: my superpower; but most importantly, going above and beyond –being positive always-  when others have thought I wasn’t enough: my special talent.

Another reason I enjoyed my life at Target was being part of the Hispanic Business Council. It was heard, I was empowered, I was promoted, I was inspired, I was myself.  I found real people, I was able to better appreciate others, built a culture of acceptance, including the beauty of being recognized for some others as their role model - what a privilege! - It is like a special community within Target that gives you hope and a sense of belonging- Stay there, you are very valuable and it is a good ladder to shine

Life is about breaking your own limits and outgrowing yourself to live YOUR best life; I am still here trying! I have now a new dream; give back to the community by serving those that are pursuing their dreams as I started almost 16 years ago. The non-profit world is waiting for me and I am starving to serve J

Thank you for the little piece of yourself you gave me! It has been my pleasure getting to know and work with you these years.
I’d love to stay connected!


Be positive, patient and persistent.  The more you feel like quitting, the more there is to be gained by continuing to do all three.  Because the strongest people aren’t the people who always win, but the people who don’t give up when they lose.